Hours of Operation
7:30 - 8:00 a.m. | Early Birds*
8:00 - 8:20 a.m. | Drop-off
8:20 a.m. | School Starts
3:00 p.m. | Lower School Dismissal (M-F), Upper School Dismissal (F)
4:00 p.m. | Upper School Dismissal (M-Th)
4:00 p.m. | Buses Depart
3:00 - 5:30 p.m. | After School*
*Early Birds and regular after school hours start on September 12
Morning Drop-off & Afternoon Dismissal
Lower School (Early Childhood – Grade 4):
Enter Dan Wise Way and drop off / pick up at the Godfrey Portico. Exit via Brookwood Road. For morning drop off, parents can also choose to park in the Lower School or Pond lots and bring their children to the classroom.
Dismissal for Early Childhood Families:
Please park in the parking lot to the left of Dan Wise Way across from the Early Childhood classrooms and walk into the Early Childhood garden to pick up your child from the Early Childhood classroom. If your EC child has siblings in grades K-4, , after you pick up your child(ren) from the Early Childhood classroom, rejoin the normal dismissal line and siblings will jump in your car.
Upper School (Grades 5–8):
Enter Brookwood Road and drop off / pick up in the Front Courtyard.
*Please place your placard in the visor for afternoon dismissal.
Before School Coverage
Students arriving before 8:00 a.m. go to Early Birds in the DiCroce Library. The mixed age group of students (EC–8) may arrive beginning at 7:30 a.m. in the library. Early Birds Staff supervise students as they read, color, review their homework, work on the computer, and play quiet games. Students should sign up in advance through the annual registration process, but drop in service is also available without prior sign up. All early arrivals enter through the main lobby and Lower School students must be escorted to the library. Early Birds begins on September 12, 2022.
Students arriving after 8:20 a.m. sign in at the front office. Lower School parents sign in their child(ren) and Upper School students can sign themselves in. Please contact the front office by phone at (978) 526-4500 or email frontdesk@brookwood.edu by 9:00 a.m. if your child is going to be absent/late or you are running late for afternoon pick-up.
Early Dismissals
A parent or an authorized adult must sign out any student leaving school before the official end of the day. The sign out sheet is located in the front office. Students wait inside the building in the front lobby to be picked up by the adult signing them out. If a child is to be excused early or leave school with someone other than a parent or authorized adult, a written note must be sent in with the student or a telephone call made/email sent to the front office in the morning.
Bus Service
Brookwood offers a family-friendly bus service from a variety of towns, with families either signing-up for a full year of service starting each September or using the service on an occasional drop-in basis. If your child needs to be added, or if he or she rides the bus consistently and needs to be removed on any given day, please contact the front office by 1:00 p.m. by phone at (978) 526-4500 or email frontdesk@brookwood.edu.
Parking is available in the lot across from Cutler Pond and along Brookwood Road on the wood chips/game day parking area. Brookwood Road is the primary road to a number of neighbors. Thank you in advance for parking in designated areas only and ensuring safe access for all vehicles.
Before School Coverage
Students arriving before 8:00 a.m. go to Early Birds in the DiCroce Library. The mixed age group of students (EC–8) may arrive beginning at 7:30 a.m. in the library. Early Birds Staff supervise students as they read, color, review their homework, work on the computer, and play quiet games. Students should sign up in advance through the annual registration process, but drop in service is also available without prior sign up. All early arrivals enter through the main lobby and Lower School students must be escorted to the library.