After several weeks of drawing, sewing, stuffing, and gluing, Fifth graders presented their custom stuffed animals to their kindergarten buddies on World Read-aloud Day! It was so wonderful to see the younger buddies light up with excitement when their stuffed animal was presented, and it was equally rewarding to see how proud the older buddies were of their work :) Keep an eye out on social media for photos of the stuffed animal exchange!
This week marks the end of our current TCM Changemaking rotation for 6th and 7th graders. Over the past six weeks, students have been designing and building a cardboard automata that mimics the movement of a living thing. Using the skills of observation, analysis, and employing a keen troubleshooting eye, they problem-solved their way from initial design to final product.
Eighth graders continued to work on their Job Board community projects. A few examples include: Kolby and Henry are building a custom Hot Wheels car track with 3D printing and laser cutting for Kindergarten students. Jonas and Cooper are working with Ms. Moerland to build a chalkboard sign frame for the Lower School portico. William, Anna, and Charlotte have been busy making a set of oversized Scrabble tiles and wooden shelves for Ms. Wilson’s classroom.
We continue to upcycle PET1 plastic bottles into 3D filament. Please consider dropping your empties off at the front desk or directly to us in the Changemaking Lab.
We recently opened our Changemaking Job Board to the entire Brookwood community. If you have something that needs to be replaced or repaired - or if you have an idea that you’d like to bring to life - please consider consulting with our Upper School Changemaking students. You can fill out this form and a student will get back to you ASAP.