98% of our community participated in testing this week with no positive cases. However, an employee who did not participate in this week’s pool test screening as they were out sick since Monday, has tested positive for COVID-19. This person has no direct contact with students. Though this seems to be an isolated case, it is a good reminder to us all that COVID is still very much in the area and we must all be prudent in following our basic but important health and safety precautions: thoroughly washing hands regularly, wearing masks indoors, and appropriately distancing ourselves.
We have been fortunate to have so few cases within our community this year but we must remain vigilant in order to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID here at Brookwood. Thank you for all you do to keep every member of our community safe, as well as your support in protecting the privacy of this individual.
*Last updated on November 10, 2021
**These figures are inclusive of both employees and students