We are delighted that the majority of our school population is now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. This presents an opportunity for our School to begin to reintroduce time-honored traditions and norms. As such, we believe that it is imperative that eligible students become vaccinated.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has informed all participants in the state testing program that we must align our COVID-19 protocols with the Department of Education and Secondary Education in order to continue receiving the state-provided COVID-19 testing services. Their new resolution, coupled with the vaccine becoming available to children aged 5 - 11, has prompted us to align our institutional practices with the broader educational community. This important communication is lengthier than usual; thank you for fully reviewing the new protocols below that will be implemented as of November 30th, 2021.
In-school Close Contact: within 3ft or less of a positive individual for 15 minutes or more indoors (masked)
Out-of-School Close Contact: within 6ft or less of a positive individual for 15 min or more over 24hr period indoors (masked or not)
Fully Vaccinated Individual: An individual is considered fully vaccinated 2 weeks after completion of two-doses of Pfizer or Moderna Vaccine or one dose of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. Please submit a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination record to Kiley Callahan.
*New* Test and Stay Protocols (as determined by the Department of Education and Secondary Education)
We will continue to notify every person who is identified as a close contact.
Only unvaccinated close contacts will undergo rapid antigen testing throughout the close contact period.
Vaccinated close contacts will complete a daily health symptom screening submitted through an online form every morning before coming to school during the close contact period.
If a close contact (regardless of vaccination status) presents symptoms, they need to stay home and seek a PCR test. Similarly, they will be sent home if they begin presenting symptoms at school.
Anyone who is deemed a close contact may stay for after school, ride the bus, and participate in sports and music lessons.
Anyone who is identified as a close contact, regardless of vaccination status, in school and participating in test and stay, will not eat in the commons during the 7 days testing period. Students will remain with students in their own grade level, eat outdoors or in an alternative location with adequate outside ventilation.
*New* Outside of School Close Contact Protocols
Unvaccinated close contacts must remain home, receive a PCR test on day 5, and receive negative results before returning on day 8.
Vaccinated close contacts should notify the Health Office, and will be permitted to come to school throughout their close contact period. They should monitor for symptoms and stay home and receive a PCR test if they become symptomatic.
*New* Positive COVID-19 Case Within Your Household
Regardless of vaccination status, please remain home and isolated from the positive individual and please notify the Health Office for further guidance.
Reminders for the Holidays
We are thrilled this coming holiday season will be one that many of us are able to gather with family members we may have not seen for some time. We hope you safely enjoy your time with family and friends, and please ensure your children are COVID-free before returning to school after break. Below, you’ll find the travel guidelines we shared in October.
Domestic Travel
Brookwood recommends COVID-19 testing upon return to Massachusetts as a best practice for ALL unvaccinated individuals. However, Brookwood’s health office will not be mandating or collecting travel test results for domestic travels.
International Travel
Fully Vaccinated Individuals:
Acquire a PCR test 3-5 days after your arrival in Massachusetts; you do not need to quarantine while you wait for test results, as long as you remain symptom-free. *Students and faculty can return to school prior to their 3-5 day test, as long as they remain symptom free. Self- monitor symptoms for 14 days and stay home if symptoms develop.
Unvaccinated Individuals:
Acquire a PCR test 3-5 days after you arrive in Massachusetts, AND quarantine until you receive negative test results.Submit a copy of negative test results to the health office before returning to campus.
If you choose not to test after international travel, then you must quarantine for 10 days after returning from travel. Remote learning will not be offered for those who are home due to the travel protocols.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Please reach out to Nurse Kiley with any questions and/or to submit your student’s proof of vaccination.
Jon and Kiley