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Peruse the Enrichment Catalog and Sign Up for Winter Programming

For most of our fall Enrichment classes (with the exception of soccer, which ends 11/6,) there are still several weeks of fun and learning remaining! However, it is time to look ahead to our winter Enrichment session, which will begin after we return from winter break. A third Enrichment session will run in the spring.

We encourage you and your child(ren) to take a look at the catalog linked below and ask that you pay special attention to our Enrichment policies. The policies are explained in detail on the first two pages of the catalog, with the highlights listed below:

  • Enrollment for Enrichment is finalized upon the submission of each Google Form and cannot be changed. Once you sign up, you will be financially responsible for the full course fee, even if your child doesn’t attend or stops attending.

  • Students will be automatically registered in our regular After School Program on the day(s) they attend an Enrichment class. Please see the catalog policy pages for the “why” behind this decision, and for more information on the fees associated.

  • Courses that do not hit their minimum enrollment will not run.

  • We will make up one (1) class per course if a session is canceled due to inclement weather. No financial adjustments will be made, nor will additional makeups be offered, if multiple classes are impacted by snow days.

  • No financial adjustments or make ups will be offered if a student misses an individual class (due to illness or personal or family reasons).

You can sign up via the Google Form links which are at the bottom of course pages in the Enrichment catalog. Registration will remain open until Sunday, December 18th, but may close sooner for individual classes as they hit their maximum enrollment. We did have several classes go to “waitlist” status in the fall, and students may not sign up after the deadline, so we encourage you to sign up today!

If you have any questions, or if you need to make other adjustments to your child(ren)’s After School schedule, please reach out to our Director of Auxiliary Programs, Kyla McMahon.

Winter Enrichment Catalog - PDF Version

Winter Enrichment Catalog - Flippable Catalog Version

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