Summer Camp Enrollment Policies 2023

Enrollment for Summer @ Brookwood happens on a first come, first served basis. There are enrollment caps for all age groups for Day Camp and for each Specialty Camp. If a group or camp is filled by the time you register, you are encouraged to join the waitlist. You will be notified on a rolling basis if there is movement on the waitlist that impacts your child’s enrollment.
Enrollment has two stages.
The first stage is camp selection. For summer 2023, camp selection will take place via a Google Form. This form will open at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, February 13th. The form will close at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 28th. You will get an emailed copy of your registration form as soon as you submit it. You will be notified by Auxiliary Director, Kyla McMahon, or Assistant Director, Sophie Rothman, within 2 business days if there are any issues with the camp selection phase of your registration
If you need to change your child’s enrollment, please email the Director of Auxiliary Programs, Kyla McMahon, as soon as you are aware of the need for change. Families on the waitlist are often anxious to secure their enrollment; we ask that you act quickly regarding changes in an effort to be courteous to those who may be waiting. Please note: the last day to drop your child from a Specialty Camp or Day Camp group will be Sunday, March 5th. After that time, we will be unable to relieve families of their financial obligations, even if the camp is not attended. Changes made prior to March 5th will not incur a penalty. Families may continue to add camp opportunities, subject to availability, through April 21st via the Google Form and after April 21st via email, but selections made after March 5th will be finalized upon submission and are unable to be changed/dropped.
During the week of March 6th - 10th, you will be notified by Auxiliary leadership of the camps that have hit their minimum and are guaranteed to run. If a camp your child has enrolled in has not yet reached its enrollment minimum, we will also be in touch during that week with more information.
The second stage is the submission of medical forms. For summer 2023, the majority of our campers will be Brookwood students, which means many forms are already on file. These forms include: required immunizations or signed exemption, a physical within the last 18 months, authorization for emergency medical care, contact information of your child’s pediatrician, prescription and over-the-counter medicine authorization, and a current medical history which lists allergies, required medications, and any health conditions or impairments. Once your camp selections have been submitted, Nurse Kiley will check your child’s records against the list of required camp documentation. If anything is out-of-date or missing, you will be notified and asked for the documentation needed. You are encouraged to drop off these documents in person or use the Dropbox link that Nurse Kiley will send. Families are asked not to email medical documentation, as it is not HIPAA compliant. Families will have until 3:00 p.m. on Friday, April 28th to get medical forms submitted, unless they have received a written extension via email from Nurse Kiley due to extenuating circumstances. If all required medical forms are not submitted by this time, your child will lose their spot to a student on the waitlist. These forms are required for our camp licensure through the Board of Health.

For 2023, enrollment is open to the following:
Current, incoming, and just-graduated Brookwood students, and their siblings, as well as children of current Brookwood employees who aren’t Brookwood students but who meet the grade-level requirements of camp (rising EC 1 - rising 9th grade)
In accordance with our school enrollment policy, students must be 3 years of age by September 1st, 2023
Students must also be toilet-trained. We understand that accidents may happen, especially for younger students. However, if there is a pattern of toileting accidents, your child will not be considered toilet-trained, and their continued enrollment may be at risk.
Fees and Payments
The fee schedule for summer 2023 is as follows:
Day Camp (9 days: June 20th - June 30th)
Full day campers (EC - Rising 6th, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.) → $850
Half day campers (option for EC/K only, 9:00 - 11:45 a.m.) → $450
CITs (Rising 7th - Rising 9th) → $600
Morning (8:00 - 9:00 a.m.) or afternoon (3:00 - 4:00 p.m) extended → $150
Morning and afternoon extended → $275
Specialty Camps (5 day sessions, 3 consecutive weeks from July 10th - July 28th)
Each morning half-day program → $250
Each afternoon half-day program → $250
Morning (8:00 - 9:00 a.m.) or afternoon (3:00 - 4:00 p.m) extended → $80/wk
Morning and afternoon extended → $150/wk
For current, incoming, and just-graduated Brookwood students, and their siblings, camp charges will be billed to each family’s billing account on May 1st. All camp payments are due on or before June 1st. Unpaid or late payment balances will be subject to a $40 late fee and finance charges of 1.5% interest per month.
In the instance of a two-household family, either parent/guardian is welcome to make the camp payment. However, if the bill goes unpaid, the parent/guardian who submitted the registration form will be the one held financially responsible.
Our late-pickup fee for summer will be in alignment with our school-year policy, which is as follows: there is a 10-minute grace period, and then a charge will apply at a rate of $5 for every 5 minutes, or fraction thereof.
Missed Camp Policies
If your child misses camp due to illness, or other personal or family reasons, Brookwood will be unable to make any financial adjustments or offer any make up sessions.
Summer weather in New England can be unpredictable. Brookwood reserves the right to change activities or camp locations around our campus or within our building due to weather and safety. If your child’s schedule is impacted by weather, Brookwood will be unable to make any financial adjustments or offer any make up sessions.
Campers are expected to listen to the person or people in charge and be kind to peers and adults. They are also expected to prioritize safety, including staying with their group and keeping their bodies to themselves. Summer @ Brookwood staff will put all reasonable accommodations in place to support children in meeting these expectations. In an instance where these expectations are not met, parents will be notified so Summer @ Brookwod staff and families can work in partnership to ensure camper success. In an instance where staff are unable to redirect behaviors which are inhibiting the child or others from participating in everyday activities, the parent/guardian will be called and asked to pick up the child. In an instance where there are repeated patterns of behavior causing undue stress on the child’s peers or staff, the parent will be asked to remove the child from the program. In the case of a missed day(s) due to non-compliance with this behavior policy, no refunds will be offered.

At the end of the enrollment form, there is a spot to type your name as an electronic signature to confirm your consent to these policies. Your electronic signature carries the same weight and legal efficiency as handwritten signatures and paper documents.