To learn more about each offering - including pricing - please click on the photos.
Please note, this page was updated 3/8/23 to reflect the current offerings.
Session 1 - Day Camp: Tuesday, June 20th - Friday, June 30th
There are no longer any camp offerings for this age group during this session. Please reach out to Kyla McMahon, Director of Auxiliary Programs, if you're in need of supervision for your rising 6th - 9th grader during this session.
Session 2 - Specialty Camps: Monday, July 10th - Friday, July 14th
Morning (9:00 - 11:45 a.m.) Offerings
Session 2 - Specialty Camps: Monday, July 10th - Friday, July 14th
Afternoon (12:15 - 3:00 p.m.) Offerings
Session 3 - Specialty Camps: Monday, July 17th - Friday, July 21st
Morning (9:00 - 11:45 a.m.) Offerings
Session 3 - Specialty Camps: Monday, July 17th - Friday, July 21st
Afternoon (12:15 - 3:00 p.m.) Offerings
Session 4 - Specialty Camps: Monday, July 24th - Friday, July 28th
Morning (9:00 - 11:45 a.m.) Offerings
Session 4 - Specialty Camps: Monday, July 24th - Friday, July 28th
Afternoon (12:15 - 3:00 p.m.) Offerings
There are no longer any camp offerings for this age group during this session. Please reach out to Kyla McMahon, Director of Auxiliary Programs, if you're in need of supervision for your rising 6th - 9th grader during this session.