Dear Upper School Parents and Guardians,
Winter break, here we come! Your children have worked really hard this fall and have earned a restful and relaxing break. We look forward to seeing them in 2022!
Ask your children about:
5th Grade:
Please see the homeroom newsletters
6th Grade:
French: How to talk about where people are what they do there.
Math: How many new vocabulary words I learned that are related to angles and triangles.
Spanish: Successfully playing “guess who” all in Spanish using our new vocabulary!
Geo (Burns): How we are preparing to film our social justice public service announcements.
Music: Learning jingle bells and researching influential roles in rock n roll history.
Geo (Abramson): Finishingour unit to compare and contrastg monotheistic religions.
7th Grade:
Science: Parts of plant and animal cells
French: What I wear when I do various activities.
Math ( Carbo): How I did on my recent percent quiz and how I can do percent in my head.
Spanish: Talking about sports we play
English: My metaphor project
Math: Standard form of a linear equation
History: Why it’s so difficult to answer Geo Bee questions in front of the whole class
8th Grade:
Science: Balancing chemical equations
French: The central topics of racism and classism that come up in La Nouvelle Fille and how the main characters (Akshara and Cooper) navigate this in their relationship.
Spanish: Watching and discussing the commercial for the Spanish Christmas lottery
Mandarin: We discussed Christmas in China and made a writing project regarding it.
History: Wrapping up the research essays, World War , and getting ready for the mock trial.
English: My word study word
Click here for a slide show of 5th and 8th graders in action this week plus a few extra fun photos.
Articles and Resources:
I liked this article from edutopia about the power of asking questions to help executive functioning.
Happy Holidays!