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Upper School Update || March 25, 2022

Dear Upper School Parents and Guardians,

It’s been exciting to welcome back your children after spring break! I’m thrilled to share that next Thursday, March 31, from 8:00 - 8:40, will be an opportunity for Upper School parents to have coffee in the Commons and visit Upper School classrooms. Below are some important announcements about mid-term progress reports, conferences, and the ask me abouts.

Spring Progress Reports: Families with students in grades 6th - 8th grade received access to progress reports this afternoon. Please keep in mind that these progress reports are not permanent, and students will have approximately 11 more weeks to continue or improve their efforts before the end of the school year. It's plenty of time to rescue a low grade or make a change in a habit that isn't serving a student well. Please share these carefully crafted comments with your Upper Schoolers and come to advisory conferences ready to discuss how your child is doing.

Parent-Teacher / Advisor Conferences: During the week of April 4, we will have parent advisor conferences or parent-teacher conferences for 5th-grade parents, and sign-ups will be sent by Doug Fodeman next week. For parents of 6th - 8th grade students, the conferences will be with your student’s advisor, who will provide an overview of how your child is doing this term. I will also be on the sign-up sheet and look forward to connecting about how the school year is going.

Please ask your student about:

5th Grade: (Outside of the homeroom classes)

French: My Francone country project

Music: My Tamboo Bamboo progress

Technology: Family Tree Project! 5th Graders learn lots of computer skills as they build a Family Tree slideshow and create a family journey using Google Earth. However, they need your help! Please ask your child about this project and help them gather photos to use!

6th Grade:

Science: Air pressure and weather and an amazing eggsperiment

Geo (Abramson): How can we understand cultures and connections between world zones through the travels of Marco Polo?

Geo (Burns): How can we graph supply and demand? What do our graphs tell us about equilibrium price?

French: the four ways of asking a oui/non question.

Spanish: How to talk about what different people do at school using -ar verbs.

Math: How we are learning about figuring percent using proportions.

Music: The songs we will perform

English: The ending of Girl Who Drank the Moon!

7th Grade:

Science: Designing our own cellular passive transport experiment

History: Whether Manifest Destiny was ultimately good for the USA or bad

French: Sirop d’érable, beurre d’érable, bonbons à l’érable, sucre d’érable…anythihg “érable” really

Spanish: How to follow and give directions using a map and commands

Math ( Carbo): Why I need the SIN, COS, and TAN calculator and how I did on the latest quiz.

Math (Carver): the quadrilateral family - and how they are all related

English: Revising Poems & how to use the word tenacious!

Internet Literacy: Understanding the powerful impact that Social Media AI has on people and societies and how we can use social media in healthier and safer ways

8th Grade:

History: Gerda Weissmann Klein’s story of rescue and redemption during the Holocaust

French: How to talk about what I did and what I used to do

Spanish: What some interesting facts are about La República Dominicana and the book we began to read

Mandarin: We continue on Unit 5, Lesson 3. It is about dumplings, and we will make dumplings on Thursday!

Math: Multiplying and factoring variable expressions - purpose to be discovered!

Science: the Marshmallow Lab

English: Is Friar Lawrence a god or a bad influence on Romeo and Juliet?

Enjoy the weekend!



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