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Upper School Updates from Dave Samson, Sept. 9, 2022

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

Dear Upper School Parents and Guardians,

We are back! After the new student orientation on Tuesday, we jumped right into school on Wednesday, and it feels great to be back. Today the 7th graders returned from three days at Camp Caribou, and the 8th graders spent the day coming together as a class and having fun with their teachers and advisors at Lynch Park. Next Friday, the 5th and 6th graders are going to Boda Borg to overcome a plethora of fun challenges in small groups. These off-campus experiences, which we haven’t been able to do recently, are crucial to building connections within the class and with the teachers and advisors as we embark on a new school year. Please see below information about Upper School communication moving forward, some announcements, and more.

Upper School Communication

When students enter Upper School, the communication between home and school changes to fit the needs of the developmental stages of students ages 10 - 14. As your children get older, they begin to communicate more and more with their teachers in person and via email. Rather than the homeroom teacher newsletter every Friday, I will send Upper School Updates through Heron Hub every two weeks. These updates could contain announcements, pictures, scheduling logistics, and resources / suggested articles. They also include a section called “Ask Me About,” which gives you topics to ask your child(ren) about what is happening in their classes and new this year, and a section called Samson Strolls, where I shadow Brookwood students and see what they are learning across the curriculum. If there is something you would like to see, please email me! Please know you can always reach out to your child’s teacher and/or advisor with questions or concerns.

Click here to see some pictures from the opening week!

Athletics begin on Monday, September 12. Please click here to see what to bring and please remember every student will be able to participate in team sports at some level even if they are brand new to the sport.

Cell Phone Policy at Brookwood for Students: This week and next, we are reminding students that cell phones (and smartwatches) are not permitted at school. If students need phones for something happening after the school day, the phone must be turned off and put in their lockers. Please help us reinforce no phones at school, and please do not text your child during the school day. If there is a dismissal change or something they need to know, please email Alicia Drury ( and your child’s advisor/homeroom teacher. Thank you for your help with this.

Articles / Resources: During the start of every school year, I’m reminded of a Washington Post article written four years ago that helps stress the fun, messiness, and learning in middle school. I love the analogy of a dress rehearsal for life, and there’s great advice in the article for parents and educators.

Enjoy the weekend!

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