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Upper School Updates- October 7, 2022

Dear Upper School Parents and Guardians,

For those that were able to make it, it was excellent seeing you at Back to School Night last week! While the evening provided an opportunity to hear about what your students are learning and meet some of your child’s teachers, the parent-teacher conferences in a month (November 3 and 4) are for you to meet with your child’s teachers and hear specifically about your child’s academic progress this year. More specific information about parent-teacher conferences will be on Heron Hub soon. Please see the Samson Strolls, the ask me abouts, and some pictures and announcements below.

Samson Strolls: I visited 7th Grade Science with Ms. Lilley this week. Please click here to learn more about the class. If there is something you would like to see, please email me!

Please ask your children about…

5th Grade

Social Studies: Indigenous People’s Day and creating our land acknowledgment

Literacy: Starting Heart of a Samurai; a Japanese perspective from 1841 and on (Our main character opened communication between Japan and America at this time). Also, ask us about writing about our Taino name.

Math: Order of Operations and making mathematical sentences from pattern block designs and quick peaks. How do you figure out the area? (Look up the world record of pattern block design from which we did our calculations!)

French: All the words we need to navigate the classroom.


  • 5A: mindfulness w/ sounds and music. Students listened to sounds from nature and an instrumental song, using both as their "anchor" to come back when the mind naturally wanders. Ask your student about their observations and reflections!

  • 5B: mindfulness + yoga in the Yoga Loft! Seeing the new space and learning what yoga is (a practice of the breath, movement + stillness); what it is not (meant to be painful); and a number of poses from child's pose to downward dog to savasana. Ask your students to show you a pose!

6th Grade:

Music: Learning G, D, and Em chords.

Math: How I am doing on operations with decimals and if I am good at estimating my answers.

Spanish: My made-up password, phone number, license plate, or any other information made up of letters and digits

Science: What a control group is and why it’s important.

French: The numbers 69-99 in French. Deep breath!

English: How a character’s development is connected to a story arc!


  • Compassion, empathy, self-compassion; understanding how we can bring mindful self-awareness to each. We role-played, and using watercolors created in our Mindful Art class, we began putting together a Quilt of Compassionate and Self-Compassionate acts. More to come on this!

  • Mindfulness + yoga in the Yoga Loft!

  • Mindfulness in nature: connecting with sights, sounds, smells, and the feel of slowly walking in the grass

7th Grade:

Math (Carver): Building and solving equations

Math ( Carbo): Distributive property, simplifying expressions and solving equations

History: Why writing a really good thesis is so difficult.

English: Connecting evidence to a written argument

Science: Beach trip

French: How I used verbs to create sentences that answer: What? Where? When? And with whom?

Spanish: Talking about where people are and how they are feeling, how I can watch a video of a native speaker and understand the main ideas.


  • Compassion, empathy, self-compassion; understanding how we can bring mindful self-awareness to each. We role-played, and using watercolors created in our Mindful Art class, we began putting together a Quilt of Compassionate and Self-Compassionate acts. More to come on this!

  • Mindfulness + yoga in the Yoga Loft!

  • Mindfulness in nature: connecting with sights, sounds, smells, and the feel of slowly walking in the grass

8th Grade:

Music: Auditions!

Math: the most appropriate measure of central tendency of a data set

English: what is an essay?

Science: Significant figures

French: Jobs, profession, and the characteristics required to do these jobs. Also, what I might like to be one day and why.

Spanish: Finishing up reviewing different ways to describe people (who they are, what they are, what they have) and what our new unit will be about!


  • An introduction to mindfulness and how various "anchors" are used to bring the naturally wandering mind back to the present.

  • Mindfulness + yoga in the Yoga Loft! Seeing the new space and learning what yoga is (a practice of the breath, movement + stillness); what it is not (meant to be painful); and a number of poses from child's pose to downward dog to savasana. Ask your students to show you a pose!

Please click here to see pictures from Spirit Week, Upper School Clubs, Buddies, Athletics, Heron House and more.

Upper School Parent Social - We look forward to seeing you next week (October 13) at the parent social at Brookwood from 6:00 - 8:30.

Save the Date - 7th and 8th Grade Halloween Dance: Friday, October 28 (6:00 PM - 9:00 PM) More information will be coming soon!

Enjoy the long weekend!

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