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Spirit Week!

Updated: Sep 30, 2022

Color Day, Spirit Day, Hero Day, Pajama Day

Tuesday, September 27:​ BUDDY ​COLOR DAY

Grades EC & 4 - Wear Red

Grades K & 5 - Wear Pink

Grades 1 & 7 - Wear Blue

Grades 2 & 6 - Wear Orange

Grades 3 & 8 - Wear Purple

-Wednesday, September 28:​ ​GAME DAY

Wear Brookwood team uniforms, BWD spirit gear, or green & white!

-We hope you’ll join us on the sidelines and cheer on the Herons!

  • 3:15 p.m. Girls Varsity ​S​occer v.​​​ Shore (Home)

  • 3:45 p.m. Girls Varsity Field Hockey v. Nashoba Brooks (Home)

  • 3:15 p.m. Boys Varsity ​Soccer @ Shore (Away)

  • ​4:00 p.m. ​Boys JV ​S​occer Green @ Fay (Away)

-Thursday, September 29:​ ​HERO DAY*

Come dressed as your hero (public figure, teacher, historian, athlete, book character, and more!)

-Friday, September 30:​ ​PAJAMA DAY

Wear your favorite pajamas

*As your child pulls together the pieces of dress for school spirit, please keep a critical eye towards inclusivity, kindness, and appropriate dress for school. Sometimes costume ideas are a great opportunity to engage in an age-appropriate conversation about stereotypes. If students are not partaking in spirit week, they need to remain in Brookwood Dress Code.

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